ISBN: 9781913356101
Publisher: Hertfordshire Press
Year: 2020
Language: English
This book contains three works by the renowned Kazakh author Bayangali Alimzhanov. The first and longest story is a riveting snapshot of twentieth-century Kazakh history narrated by a hundred-year-old steppe dweller. In simple and powerful language, he relates his experiences of revolution, famine, terror, war, and the gulag. He survives and lives to see his country’s independence. The second work is a highly imaginative morality tale about a man who injects a ‘conscience drug’ into politicians and bullies. Ranging from sinister to humorous to uplifting, this story turns into an incisive critique of modern civilization. The third story, a tale for children and youths,’ is a historical legend of Khan Ablai the warrior. Together, these stories afford the western reader a rare and fascinating glimpse into Kazakh history and culture.
8 in stock
ISBN: 9781913356101
Publisher: Hertfordshire Press
Year: 2020
Language: English
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