Under the sky of Saudi Arabia

Kamaan Al Kamaan has a true passion for his country, and has obviously worked innumerable hours, often in remote locations, to capture stirring images of Saudi Arabia in the optimum light. Prior to the publication of this book in 2006 he had won numerous awards for his photography, but this is unquestionably his “magnum opus.” The book is approximately 200 pages in length, with no more than one photograph per page (sometimes the photograph extends to two pages.) The book is divided into three sections, roughly equal, based on subject matter. The three areas are: Nature, Life, and Heritage. There appears to have been financial support from several entities, including the Director of the Tourism agency which permitted a high quality edition to be printed in Singapore. The text is minimal, simply identifying the location with a very brief description of the scene. The book is bi-lingual, Arabic / English, and is formatted with Arabic first, meaning that the book opens, and is paginated the reverse of the standard English format.


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ISBN: 978-9960570037
Publisher: Al Kamaan 2006

English / Arabic

New, sealed

Rare books from Silk Road Dismiss